Email Analysis Python Scripts

Project information

  • Category: Python Scripts
  • Client: A small marketing business
  • Project date: June, 2023
  • Project URL: Github Code

Experience streamlined Microsoft Graph API management with my PowerShell script. Tailor APIs to your needs, grant permissions effortlessly, and dynamically create users using the power of Microsoft Graph.

  • Folder Creation Script:
  • Quickly organize your inbox with a Python script for instant folder creation. Streamline email management and enhance organization effortlessly.

  • Bounced Email Removal Script:
  • Eliminate clutter from your inbox by swiftly removing bounced emails caused by SMTP errors or sender issues. Keep your email environment clean and efficient.

  • Recipient Error Check Script:
  • Ensure email delivery success with a Python script that checks and manages emails automatically returned due to recipient errors. Identify non-existent recipients or exceeded quotas for a streamlined and error-free communication process.

  • Merge and Deduplicate Text Files Script:
  • Streamline data consolidation by using a Python script to merge different text files into one while intelligently removing duplicates. Simplify your file management tasks and enhance data integrity effortlessly.

Edited by YassirEA